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Colgate Pro Reliefe Sensitive Toothpaste 50g

Special Price $3.77 Regular Price $3.99

Colgate Sensitive Pro-Relief products instantly relieve sensitivity by physically plugging open dentin tubules, which helps block pain sensations from reaching the tooth nerves. Providing instant relief when massaged directly onto the tooth with your fingertip for one minute, and lasting relief when used regularly.

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Availability:In stock
SKU CG-1224355

For instant relief, apply directly to each sensitive tooth with finger tip and gently massage for 1 minute, up to twice daily. For lasting relief, apply to a gentle toothbrush making sure to brush all sensitive areas. Brush twice daily.

Use top of the cap to open safety seal. For best performance, keep cap closed when not in use. Do not use in children 6 years of age or less. For children 7 to 12 years of age, use only on the advice of a dentist or doctor.

Safety Information

Brush thoroughly at least twice a day or as directed by your dental professional. Apply approximately 2.5cm strip of the product to a soft toothbrush, making sure to brush all sensitive areas of the teeth. Brush for at least one minute. Do not swallow. Rinse with a small amount of water.

Do not use in children 6 years of age or less. For children 7 to 12 years of age, use only on the advice of a dentist or doctor. Do not swallow. Rinse with a small amount of water.

Sensitive teeth may indicate an underlying problem that may need prompt care by a dentist if pain persists. No Colgate toothpaste contains sugar.